Privacy & Policy

 Effective Date: 2024-02-20

Welcome to Dual Apps - app cloning App's Privacy Policy

Dual Apps - app cloning is committed to respecting and safeguarding the privacy of individuals using all official websites and user communities associated with Dual Apps - app cloning. As outlined in this Dual Apps - app cloning Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy"), we do not intentionally access or disclose your information to any third party without your prior consent, except as stipulated herein.


Information Collection and Usage:

1.1 No Collection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII): We do not collect Personally Identifiable Information, which includes data such as your name, address, email, telephone number, or any information stored on your device.


1.2 Non-Personally Identifiable Information (Non-PII): When you interact with our application, we may collect non-PII such as your device model and Android version. This information is utilized for the following purposes:


(1) Installed application information: We use Dual Apps - app cloning to collect information about your installed applications to provide a customized list of recommended applications. To ensure your data privacy, we do not upload or share this data. 


(2) Device Information: We collect and use device information for bug fixing, optimizing compatibility, and improving the overall performance of Dual Apps - app cloning.  

(3) Log Information: Information about how you use Dual Apps - app cloning is collected to understand user trends and enhance features.


(4) Location Information: Collected for creating a personalized list of recommended and localized applications.


1.3 Special Note about Sensitive Information: Access to your microphone, camera, or location is requested with your permission for the normal functioning of third-party applications through our services.


Information Disclosure and Sharing:

2.1 Information Disclosure:

(1) PII: We do not store Personally Identifiable Information.

(2) Non-PII: We do not match non-PII with PII.


2.2 Information Sharing:

(1) Sharing Among Users: We do not control how other users may use or share information obtained through third-party applications.

(2) Third-Party Partners: Non-PII may be shared with partners for analytics, industry analysis, and service operation.



Dual Apps - app cloning employs measures to protect your information, ensuring unauthorized access to non-PII is prevented. While we strive to maintain confidentiality, absolute security cannot be guaranteed.



4.1 Purchases and Refunds:

All purchases of virtual items through the service are final and non-refundable. You are solely responsible for associated fees, taxes, and any changes in pricing.


4.2 Subscription Management:

Subscriptions can be canceled, and Google Play's billing system governs refunds and subscription content.


Amendment of This Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy, and users not agreeing to changes may cease using relevant applications, services, and websites.


Please note that our employees or agents have no authority to alter any of our policies.

Contact Us / Report Violation:

For questions, suggestions, or to report violations, contact us at:


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